Directions: Listed below are areas of importance for student success. Using the scale below, rank each area from 1-5, expressing the relative importance you think the District should give to each area over the next couple of years. Please note any additional ideas or suggestions in the last section labeled “Comments.”

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* 1. I am

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* 2. I attend or am most closely aligned to the following school:

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* 3. Increase Graduation Rate: Ensure students complete 230 credits in all of the content areas required for graduation.

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* 4. College Readiness: Students graduate with both the credits and prerequisite skills needed to be successful in college. This includes improving the UC/CSU “a-g” completion rate (the classes required for university eligibility).

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* 5. Career Readiness: Students graduate prepared to get a job and have an accurate understanding of what it will take to embark on a career path that will likely require additional education after high school

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* 6. Academies/Business Partnerships: Increase opportunities to participate in Academies. Strengthen partnerships with local businesses, making it possible for more students to participate in workplace internships. 

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* 7. Transition to Common Core State Standards: Ensure teachers have the training and materials needed to implement the new California State Standards, and students have opportunities to be fully engaged.

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* 8. English Learner Success: Strategies and support to ensure all students who are learning English as a second language are able to read, write, listen and speak English fluently as well as succeed in their academic courses.

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* 9. Facilities: Keep campus buildings, classrooms, and common areas clean and maintained; update existing facilities.

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* 10. School Safety: Examples may include additional training, the hiring of additional School Resource Officers (police), Campus Supervisors (security,) and/or outside building surveillance.

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* 11. Reduce Suspension/Expulsions: Promote a supportive and positive learning environment.

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* 12. Student Connectedness: Increase opportunities for music, art, school clubs, sports, and other activities.

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* 13. Increase Attendance: Implement strategies to ensure all students are at school on time, every day, ready to learn.

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* 14. Parent Involvement: Increase parent and family participation, connectivity, and engagement in the educational process and school governance as well as during activities such as sports and other school events.

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* 15. Summer School: Increase opportunities for credit recovery, foundational skills for students who are struggling, and enrichment classes that will allow students to get ahead.

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* 16. Smaller Class Size: Reduce the number of students in specific classes that have been shown to benefit most from smaller class sizes (examples: freshmen English/math, English as a Second Language, social skills development, etc.).

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* 17. Teacher/Staff Retention and Recruitment: Provide competitive salaries and benefits packages to ensure we are able to maintain and attract the best teachers and staff.

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* 18. Additional Staff Support: Increase staff support to facilitate the day-to-day functions of each school site in areas such as Food Services, Textbook/Library Clerks, Career Counselors, custodians, clerical support, etc.

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* 19. More Counselors (academic): Additional counselors lowers the number of students each counselor is assigned to, resulting in more academic, individualized attention for all students.

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* 20. Mental Health Services: Additional counselors, psychologists, and others trained to provide support in social and emotional capacities for students.

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* 21. Professional Development: Training for teachers to keep informed on new and current educational practices, including the Common Core State Standards, educational technology, and effective student engagement strategies.

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* 22. 1 to 1 Laptops/Tablets (or similar) for every student: 1 to 1 implies that every student will have access to an electronic device for academic use while on campus.

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* 23. Digital Textbooks: Update textbooks available electronically, supplementing and/or replacing traditional textbooks.

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* 24. Textbooks/Materials: Update textbooks, core literature, materials for science labs, supplies for CTE classrooms, and technology in classrooms.

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* 25. Intervention Classes/Tutoring: Offer additional classes, tutoring (before, during and/or after school as well as on Saturday), and additional library hours.

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* 26. Advanced Placement (AP) and/or International Baccalaureate (IB): Expand the variety of AP and/or IB classes offered throughout the District. Students who pass AP/IB exams may be granted college credit.

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* 27. Increase GATE (Gifted and Talented Education) Opportunities: In addition to honors and AP/IB courses, the GATE program is designed to offer unique educational opportunities for students identified as gifted and talented.

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* 28. Comments: Write additional ideas or suggestions in the space below.