The California ISO is seeking stakeholder feedback to help shape topics and problem statements for discussion during the upcoming GHG working group meetings. Following the review of the survey results, the ISO will post a discussion paper to organize the feedback received and hold an initial working group call to discuss the results in-depth with stakeholders. The results to this survey will be summarized and shared with working group participants anonymously.

The working group structure aims to give stakeholders a more active role in forming problem statements, analyzing supporting data, and scoping necessary market rule or policy changes. The working group effort will culminate in a report and will inform the scope of a future stakeholder initiative.

As part of the development process, the ISO and stakeholders will focus on four key components of the working groups:
  1. Defining the topics and scope of the working groups;
  2. Determining the role and deliverables, set expectations, and determine the tangible outcomes;
  3. Establish a cadence to balance the sustainability of staff and stakeholder bandwidth; and
  4. Outline the ISO’s role as facilitators, subject matter experts, and data analytics.
The ISO is currently seeking stakeholder feedback on component 1, defining the topics and scope of the GHG working groups. This will help clarify the particular areas of focus for which the ISO can offer a venue for discussion and alignment.

The ISO recognizes the need for continuous evolution as GHG policies are developed throughout the West, and acknowledges the increasing diversity of stakeholders involved. In addition to building on previous conversations, the working groups offer an opportunity for stakeholders new to the conversation to get up to speed on relevant market design.

Opportunities might include:
  1. Review CAISO market operations and establish a common understanding of the final GHG accounting design in EDAM;
  2. GHG data transparency, monitoring and reporting;
  3. Market interaction with non-price based policies; and
  4. Analysis and development of an average emissions factor for transfers.
We invite you to use this tool to submit questions and/or inquiries for future working group discussions.  Additionally, if you are interested in presenting at an upcoming working group, please let us know and we will contact you to coordinate the logistics. 

Question Title

* 1. Name:

Question Title

* 2. Organization:

Question Title

* 3. Email:

Question Title

* 4. Phone number (in case the working group facilitator or scribe needs to contact you for additional clarification):

Question Title

* 5. I would like to participate in the GHG Coordination working groups:

Question Title

* 6. What topics should these working groups discuss in relation to the accounting for GHG emissions through the ISO’s markets?

Question Title

* 7. Please list the topics you provided in response to question #6 in order from highest to lowest priority:

Question Title

* 8. Please list any problem statements you believe the GHG working group should address:

Question Title

* 9. Additional questions or inquiries:

Question Title

* 10. I am interested in presenting at a future meeting for the GHG working group(s):