Montclair Local Reader Survey.

1.What are your primary sources of news about Montclair?(Required.)
2.How often do you read the Montclair Local?(Required.)
3.How do you access the Montclair Local? (Select all that apply)(Required.)
4.Which of the following topics covered by the Montclair Local are of interest to you? Please select all that apply.(Required.)
5.Please rate each of the following characteristics:(Required.)
Cover Page
Ease of Reading
Stories of Interest
Writing Quality
Variety of Content
6.What do you like about the Montclair Local?(Required.)
7.What do you think the Montclair Local could do better?(Required.)
8.Have you donated to the Montclair Local? (If you answer no, please go to question #12)(Required.)
9.How would you describe your method of donating?
10.What is the "most important" reason you donated? (choose one)
11.Would any of these changes cause you to donate more to the Local?
12.How frequently would you ideally like to receive the print/hard copy edition of the Montclair Local?(Required.)
13.Are you a business owner? (If no, go to #15)(Required.)
14.What other advertising products or features, either online or in print, would you like to see Montclair Local offer? (some examples are sponsored content, dedicated emails or Post-it Notes)
15.Finally, just a few demographic questions.

Gender: How do you identify?
16.What is your age?(Required.)
17.If you live in Montclair, in which of the four wards of the Township do you reside?(Required.)
18.What is your Zip Code?(Required.)
Thank you very much for participating in the survey!