Apply to be an Iowa Food & Family Project Champion!

We are looking for candidates like you!

Based on your engagement with the Iowa Food & Family Project – whether that's following us on social media, reading our monthly Fresh Pickings newsletter or participating in our events – we're thrilled that we've gotten to know you! Because you've shown a terrific interest in all things food and farming, we would like to invite you to apply to be a volunteer member of our new Champions Program!

Throughout the year, Iowa Food & Family Project Champions will be invited to participate in special weekday learning activities, such as business and farm tours and meeting with individuals and groups who are involved in agriculture (Food U series). Our Champions will also have priority access to attend presentations from high-profile speakers and will be given additional fact-based information that goes a layer deeper than what you're receiving now. From time-to-time, we may ask our Champions to provide their feedback via surveys and focus groups or to share their opinions on social media.

Because some of our programming may require a bit of physical activity, our Champions must be able to do moderate walking, bending, climbing and perhaps, driving to tour sites. Occasionally, there may be an overnight hotel stay if you prefer not to make a trip in one day. If a Champion chooses an overnight stay, those costs will likely be at the individual's own expense. Overnight stays that are part of the tour would be covered by the Iowa Food & Family Project.

To begin the application process and to be considered for our Champions Program, please complete the short survey below.

Note: All applicants and Champions Program participants must be 21 years old or older.

Question Title

* 1. Are you interested in becoming a Champion for the Iowa Food & Family Project?