Communication is essential for developing and maintaining the mentor-mentee relationship. The TeamMates Portal is the communication hub where you will schedule and log all meetings - in person as well as virtual - with your mentee, exchange messages with each other safely, and even meet virtually when you are unable to meet in person at the school. Consider it your tool for connection, where you and your mentee can communicate directly to plan an activity for your next meeting, quickly reschedule a meeting, or send an encouraging message between meetings. The portal also gives you access to up-to-date TeamMates resources and enhancements.

By completing this form, you will receive personal access to our new database, also known as the TeamMates Portal. At minimum, you agree to sign into the portal and log your match meetings, whether in-person or virtual, to assist TeamMates in sharing the overall impact of the mentoring relationship. You also agree to follow best practices for appropriate communication within the TeamMates Portal and that messaging and virtual match meetings may be monitored and/or recorded to ensure the safety of your match.

 Note: This permission is necessary to move your match into our new database.

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* 1. Mentor First Name

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* 2. Mentor Last Name

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* 3. Mentor Contact Information

^Enter information only if this contact information has changed since you became a TeamMates Mentor.

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* 4. Mentor Email Address to be used for Virtual meetings (if different from above)

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* 5. Mentor Electronic Signature

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* 6. .
