What is Health & Wellness Coaching?

Personalized Health & Wellness Coaching, also known as "Lifestyle Health Coaching," is an emerging trend in Canada used to help people discover and define what well-being means to them. This type of coaching focuses on a number of health-related areas, such as nutrition, physical fitness, general stress management, and weight management.
Rather than acting like an expert and telling clients what to do, coaches allow their clients to define the direction and mode of action they want to take. Research has shown that this is essential in producing long-lasting behaviour change, as it enhances one’s strengths and abilities, leading to greater self-esteem and self-efficacy.

Lauren Brown, GGH's Health & Wellness Specialist, is starting a confidential Health & Wellness Coaching Pilot Program this fall in response to the high level of interest demonstrated in the 2021 Health & Wellness Needs Assessment Survey (55% responded they would participate). In this pilot, Lauren will be accepting 10 staff and/or professional staff who would like to receive coaching (for coaching areas of focus see Page 4 of this survey).  Clients will receive support for six sessions in a virtual format (using WebEx) to help them make positive changes in the area(s) of health they choose.  For what to expect from a coach and the coaching process, please see Page 3.

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