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This simple and easy-to-answer survey is designed to collect information under 4 key headings – Productivity, Finance, Employment and Community Engagement – which is essential for our and your advocacy campaign on behalf of opera during the current crisis. It does not seek to be a comprehensive benchmarking exercise. Please complete all 14 numbered questions to validate your response; though adding examples to the last 3 questions is helpful but optional.

Question Title


including opera, dance, recitals and concerts if integral to your operation

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* 2. Number of main stage performances programmed for 2019/20 season or festival

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* 3. Number of main stage performances cancelled between March and summer 2020

Your income in €, defined as ticket sales, commercial revenue and sponsorship, but excluding public subsidy
Please indicate numbers without punctuation or signs, ie type 7520000 ; not 7.520.000 or 7,52M€

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* 4. Income budgeted for 2019/20 season or festival

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* 5. Income lost from cancelled performances between March and summer 2020

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* 6. Income budgeted for full programme as originally planned before closedown for the new season up to end-December 2020

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* 7. Income now projected for an alternative programme for the new season up to end-December 2020 (which may still be subject to change)


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* 8. Number of people on full-time employment contracts during 2019/20 season

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* 9. Number of people on furlough/temporary unemployment because of suspension of activity in spring/summer 2020

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* 10. Approximate number of freelance/guest contracts throughout all departments originally planned for season 2019/20

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* 11. Approximate number of freelance/guest contracts cancelled throughout all departments because of suspension of activity in spring/summer 2020

Since March 2020

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* 12. Has your company offered free artistic content online in place of live performance (extracts, full performances, dance classes etc)?

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* 13. Has your company presented live artistic events in reduced forms (including outdoor concerts, performances in front of retirement homes etc)?

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* 14. Has your company contributed to its community in non-artistic ways (production of protective gear etc)?

Thank you for submitting your data to help Opera Europa in advocating for opera and support for Culture!