Quality Account

Your opinion is important to us

This aim of this report is to be transparent in providing information about Kyabram District Health Service in performing and being accountable to its community for the provision of safe, high quality care.  The report will be distributed to the community, staff, placed in waiting areas and provided to our community partners. It will also be available online.

Let us know what you think—your feedback is important and valuable to us.

Question Title

* 1. What I like about the report

Question Title

* 2. What I think can be improved for next year's report

Question Title

* 3. Any other comments?

Question Title

* 4. I am interested in assisting with the production of this report next year
(If yes, please make sure to indicate your name and contact number below)

Question Title

* 5. Are you interested in partnering with us to improve care?

This may include
*  Being a member of Committee or working group
*  Participating in workshops, forums or focus groups that will help identify 
    areas or improvement within the health service
*  Reviewing patient brochures or information sheets

Question Title

* 6. If you would like to discuss any aspects of this report, or if you are interested in being a consumer representative or sharing your healthcare experience, please provide your contact details in the comment box below or contact us on 58570200 and ask to speak to the Quality, Experience and Safety Manager.