farmers market VDACS quiz Question Title * 1. All foods are required to be made in an inspected kitchen. True False Question Title * 2. What are the three exempted food products under the kitchen exemption Cottage Law? Refrigerated Foods Honey Low Risk Foods Food products made in a friends home Certain Home Canned Foods Question Title * 3. What are 3 examples of low risk foods? Dry Herbs Eggs Dried Tea Trail Mixes Pickled Vegetables Question Title * 4. What are the mandatory labeling requirements? Statement of identity (common name of product) Ingredients statement, including sub-ingredients and allergens Net quantity statement (weight) in standard and metric units Name and address of manufacturer, packer, or distributor All of the Above Question Title * 5. What are the 3 rules regarding your ingredient lists? Required for single-ingredient foods like honey Not required for single-ingredient food like honey Ordered by weight from heaviest to least heavy Ordered by weight from least heavy to heaviest Subingredients included in parenthesis Question Title * 6. What is the new 9th major food allergen? Pineapple Gluten Sesame Mustard Question Title * 7. Can all bread products be made under the kitchen exemption Cottage law? Yes No Question Title * 8. Can I have pets and still have a home based business? Yes, they can enter the kitchen area while food is being prepared No, they carry too many germs Yes, you must enclose any area that will be used OR Your kitchen may not need to be completely closed off if the pet stays in an area of the home and never travels through the living space where the kitchen is located Question Title * 9. What are 4 rules about egg handling? Eggs must be clean, unbroken, and free of dirt and manure to be sold Eggs can stay out on the table without refrigeration Properly refrigerated at 41 degrees F or below at all times Labeled with: name and address of producer/packer, the word “eggs,” safe handling instructions, and the term ‘ungraded’ or the appropriate grade Eggs can be dirty when sold, but cleaning instructions must be on the carton The term “fresh eggs” can only be used if the eggs are graded Question Title * 10. Please type your name if you understand the rules and polices from the Virginia Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services. Done