We are in the midst of legislative session and I'm gathering stories and comments in response to the questions below. The responses are confidential, and I am not gathering email addresses or names of colleges unless you provide it at the end for further conversation.

I hope to use your responses to share with our SBCTC leadership and legislators the realities of this work in our CTCs. Please know this is one of several opportunities for you to share directly in your own words, your needs and experiences.

Please reach out if you have questions.

With thanks,
cell: 206.88.3511

Question Title

* 1. What has the legislative funding that came from SB 5227 and SB 5194 enabled/ignited you to do at your institution?

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* 2. What specific impact could additional funds make on your work and on the experiences and outcomes of the students, faculty, and staff you serve? What challenges and needs could be addressed by additional funding?

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* 3. These are the top needs I/we have in this work, and how legislative funding could support it.

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* 4. Are there additional comments and feedback you would like to share?

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* 5. I would like further conversation. Please contact me at the email and/or phone below.