Board Member Application

Please submit application by February 12. We greatly appreciate your interest in serving Global Friends Coalition and promoting the work of New American integration. 

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* 1. Name:

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* 2. What is your address? Street, City, State, Zip Code?

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* 3. Phone:

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* 4. Email:

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* 5. If currently employed, name of employer:

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* 6. Your Title:

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* 7. Type of business or organization:

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* 8. Primary service(s) and area/population served:

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* 9. Please list boards and committees that you serve on, or have served on (business, civic, community, fraternal, political, professional, recreational, religious, social):

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* 10. Please list any relevant education/ training/ certificates:

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* 11. Have you received any awards or honors you would like to mention?

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* 12. Please comment on the skillsets you would bring to the board offering an explanation of your experiences.  

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* 13. What attracted you to a board position with Global Friends Coalition?

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* 14. How do you feel Global Friends Coalition would benefit from your involvement on the board?

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* 15. Board Members enable us to expand our reach by connecting others to our work. What circles do you movie in, personally and professionally? Please list any groups, organizations, or businesses that you might be able to serve as a liaison to on behave of Global Friends Coalition.

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* 16. Fundraising is a significant responsibility of board service. On a scale of 1 (very uncomfortable) to 5 (very comfortable) how comfortable are you with this aspect of the position?