NAS Screening Training and Inter-Rater Reliability

By November 15, please work with your team to complete this birth site-level survey for the period of April through September 2019. 

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* 1. What is your health system name?

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* 3. What is your name?

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* 4. At the end of the quarter, what cumulative percentage of NICU or well-baby nursery nursing staff have have been trained on validated assessments for NAS in the past year? (Report estimate in 10% increments; round up)

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* 5. At the end of the quarter, what cumulative percentage of NICU or well-baby nursery nursing staff have practiced inter-rater reliability with the validated assessments for NAS in the past year? (Report estimate in 10% increments; round up)

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* 6. At the end of the quarter, what cumulative percentage of NICU or well-baby nursery nursing staff have achieved a 90% or greater inter-rater reliability score?  (Report estimate in 10% increments; round up)

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* 7. Does your PA PQC site have quality improvement efforts in place to increase inter-rater reliability?