The collection is located in a developing country (as defined by the OECD’s DAC/ODA list).
There is a demonstrated actual, imminent threat to a collection in an emergency situation.
Proposed rescue activities focus on immediate, short-term impacts.
There is demonstrated financial need (i.e., support for the collection has been unsuccessfully solicited from other funding mechanisms, or that no suitable such mechanisms exist).
The collection comprises unique genetic resources of regional and international significance.
The recipient collection must be part of (or contain a reasonable amount of material that is in) the International Treaty’s Multilateral System (MLS), or is otherwise operating under the terms and conditions as set out by the MLS.
The recipient institution managing the collection agrees to transparent, efficient management of funds and timely reporting on their use.
The recipient agrees to develop a risk mitigation strategy and contingency plan as a matter of urgency, and generally complies with the due diligence requirements of both the International Treaty and the Crop Trust.