The One Card PR and Marketing Committee wants to hear from you!

Time to put on your creative thinking caps! Please complete this short survey by April 11 to share your marketing ideas for One Card. Responses are anonymous, and you can answer as many or as few of the questions as you wish. Thanks in advance for your input!

Question Title

* 1. First, we need a public name to use in our branding and marketing, including our shared library card, swag, promotional material, catalogue, etc. Unfortunately, Team Octopus is out of the running, as we need to keep the doors open for Halifax Public Libraries to join us in the future. RIP Team Octopus.

I think the public name of the Alliance should be:

Question Title

* 2. A tagline is a catchphrase or slogan that's used in advertising. For example: McDonald's tagline is "I'm loving it!"

I think the tagline for One Card should be:

Question Title

* 3. Branding includes the name, symbol, design and logo that differentiates a product/service from others.

I think One Card's branding should include and/or avoid...

Question Title

* 4. A marketing initiative is essentially anything that is clearly defined as a marketing effort. Examples of marketing initiatives include: promotional swag, a launch party, commercials, prize contests, etc.

I think a cool One Card marketing initiative would be:

Question Title

* 5. Last chance! Any other marketing thoughts you'd like to share with us?