Welcome Waggin' Requirements

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* 1. Welcome Waggin’ Purpose
Welcome Waggin' is a partnership between Alliance of Therapy Dogs and the Tulsa Airports Improvement Trust (TAIT). TAIT is the organization that operates Tulsa International Airport.

Welcome Waggin' offers a welcoming and calming presence for all airport passengers and staff. We assist in the customer service provided by the airlines, airport, and TSA.

2.   Team Requirements
Handlers/Dogs must be currently certified with Alliance of Therapy Dogs (ATD).

Handlers/Dogs must have a minimum of one year experience to qualify.

Handlers or dogs not having one year of experience can apply for an exemption which may be evaluated and approved by the TAIT Customer Service Specialist and Welcome Waggin' Co-chair.

Teams will be subject to up to three observed visits before being approved to make therapy visits at the airport. The first visit will be considered an interview visit conducted by the TAIT Customer Service Specialist and Welcome Waggin' Co-chair.

When the handlers receive their airport badge, additional training visits will be conducted by a Welcome Waggin' Co-chair or designee.

Handlers/Dogs must be in full compliance with all ATD rules, regulations and policies while working at Tulsa International Airport.

Handlers/Dogs must be physically capable of working a two hour shift walking the terminals and gates.

Handlers/Dogs are required to work a minimum of (2) two hour shifts per month to remain in current standing with Welcome Waggin’.

Teams will schedule recurring visits on a weekly, bi-weekly or monthly basis. Drop-in visits are not allowed at this time. Absences due to illness, vacations, etc. are acceptable as long as the TAIT Customer Service Specialist is notified.

Welcome Waggin’ shifts will be available from 6:00 AM to 8:00 PM, 7 days a week.

Handlers will be required to complete a TSA background check and be fingerprinted.

Approved handlers will attend a computerized badge training session in the airport’s badging offices and wear the badge at all times during their shift.

Handlers/Dogs are required to maintain an appearance at all times that is in compliance with ATD and TAIT.

While on duty handlers will wear a uniform provided by the airport. Dogs will wear a bandana with the airport and Welcome Waggin’ logo.

Handlers will be provided free parking while on duty or for vacations.

Handlers can receive free coffee and soft drinks while on duty and a discount on meals.

Trading cards will be provided for handlers with your dog’s picture and information.

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* 2. Name

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* 3. Address

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* 4. Date of Birth

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* 5. Name and Phone Number of Emergency Contact (this is the person that would take care of your dog if you become incapacitated)?

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* 6. ATD Member Number

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* 7. List organizations you have volunteered for with your dog and for how long.

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* 8. Tell us about your dog.

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* 9. Volunteer Requirements
Volunteers must commit to a minimum of 8 hours per calendar quarter (4 two-hour shifts) in order to remain a member in good standing with the Welcome Waggin' Therapy Dog Program. Which days of the week are you available?

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* 10. What time of day are you available?