PUBLIC CONSULTATION SURVEY -  Activity and Expertise Frameworks

Thank you for taking the time to provide your input to the public consultation. Before beginning the survey, please review the Expertise and Activity Frameworks, available for download here.

The survey will take you approximately 30 minutes to complete. We appreciate your time and valuable contribution to the topic of remuneration which continues to be an obstacle in creating the conditions for meaningful and transparent patient engagement between the pharmaceutical industry and the patient community. Your opinions and views matter.
Questions and more information 
If you wish to stay informed about the project and contribute to future public consultations on this topic, please provide your contact details at the end of this survey.

Data protection and management
Usage of the information collected in this survey will remain exclusive to the project  and will  be shared with the PFMD project team only, in order to improve the output of this project. All feedback will be aggregated to shape project deliverables and to provide an overview of how this work is both understood and perceived and how it might be used to develop communication as part of the outcomes of this work. No identifying data will be shared with the public.