
The GCRA is consulting on a proposal to provide current broadband customers - and those considering a broadband purchase - with better quality & price information. Please see our our consultation paper or brochure for more information, including how to make a written submission.
The GCRA is undertaking this short survey - 9 multiple choice questions - to provide Guernsey broadband customers with an easy way to provide their views on the proposal.
Individual survey responses will be treated anonymously. Your assistance in completing this survey is appreciated.

Question Title

* 1. Do you currently have an account with a Guernsey telecoms company for a fixed or mobile broadband service?

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* 2. If you answered yes to Question 1, please indicate what broadband service account(s) you have and with which telecoms company(s)

  Sure JT Airtel
Mobile broadband service (i.e. mobile phone service with data allowance)
Fixed broadband service (over copper or fibre cable or fixed mobile)

Question Title

* 3. When choosing your broadband service, how important was (is) your expectation about the quality of the service you were (are thinking of) purchasing?

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* 4. What technical aspects of your broadband service are important to you from a quality perspective?

  Not important Slightly important Important Very important
Upload speed
Network availability
Latency (ping delay)
Download speed
Packet loss

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* 5. When choosing your broadband service, how important was (is) the price/ cost of the service you were (are thinking of) purchasing?

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* 6. What customer service aspects of your broadband service are important to you from a quality perspective?

  Not important Slightly important Important Very important
Fault repair time
Supply time for initial connection
Bill correctness
Resolution time for customer complaints

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* 7. If a Guernsey broadband price comparison website was available when choosing your current broadband service provider, how likely are you to have used it?

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* 8. Should one be established, how likely is it you would use a Guernsey broadband price comparison website in the future?

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* 9. What broadband plan information would you like to see presented on a Guernsey broadband price comparison website?

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* 10. Please share any other comments on broadband quality or price information you have below: