
CenTex ASPA is holding elections for the Executive Board and Council on March 10, 2021 at 12:00pm. Please self-nominate yourself below to be considered. We welcome all members, new and returning, to serve on CenTex ASPA's Board or Council. 

Every effort shall be made to elect Officers and Council Members who represent the broad geographic region the Chapter serves, the wide spectrum of public and nonprofit sector related activities undertaken in the region, and both academic professional and student and practitioner interests.

If you need more information, contact Elaine Zavala, Chapter President, at 737-237-3571 or

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* 1. Contact Information

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* 2. Which of the following best describes your current occupation?

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* 3. I am interested serving in the following Executive Board Position(s).

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* 4. I am interested in serving as a Council Member, which supervises and controls the affairs of the Chapter.