How are current trends in digital content impacting you?
Which of the following objectives does your organization’s content strategy address?
Brand communications
Creating/sustaining economic value
Delivery of unique value proposition
Operational efficiencies
We do not have a strategy
Other (please specify)
Which department is most responsible for driving customer-facing content strategy at your organization?
Stand alone group
Each unit, locale or division drives own strategy
Other (please specify)
Which department is most responsible for production-related software tools/services?
Collaboration amongst all departments
Stand alone group
Varies by locale
Other (please specify)
What is your role?
What are the biggest challenges you personally face in your role?
Lack of integration between organization and vendor
Inability to share practices across the enterprise and community
Inability to properly advocate for what is best for organization or my client (either internal or external)
Lack of clear business or translation objectives
Lack of access to management, customers, or collaborators
Other (please specify)
Does your organization have a clearly articulated content governance plan?
Yes, we have documented it and it is publicly available to everyone.
Yes, but it is informal, not documented and not everyone is aware of it
No, but we’ve discussed it
No, we don’t even discuss it
Guidance is defined as clear policies, standards, and guidelines for content production from inception, through translation, localization, and delivery to the end user. Does your organization:
Have all of the required (as far as your know) policies, standards, guidelines
Have some policies, standards, guidelines
Policies, standards, and guidelines might exist, but in pockets and without comprehensive access to everyone (e.g., individuals own them and share them in pockets)
Policies, standards, and guidelines are a good idea but we don’t have them
We don’t think policies, standards, and guidelines would be helpful to us
Other (please specify)
Looking at the current trends in digital content channels, who do you think should be responsible for standardization? Is the localization industry a potential standard bearer?
Yes, standards are part of an organization’s localization strategy
No, this should be planned and decided by the source content writer
All necessary standards are already available
Other (please specify)
A recent study showed that an average of $31.5B USD was being wasted annually due to the lack of standards around content governance. Do you think this applies to your vertical and more specifically to your organization?
We are aware but do not know what steps to take
We are fully in control of our content structure and maximizing ROI
What is Content Governance?
Other (please specify)
In a few words, outline what you are looking for in terms of Content Governance and Digital Content Standardization? Where should this information come from? (100 words max.)
Current Progress,
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