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* 1. How did you find out about registering for General Assembly this year? (Check all that apply)

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* 2. How many GAs have you attended in person?

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* 3. How many GAs have you attended as an off-site / virtual participant?

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* 4. Please rank your reasons for attending GA this year. Rank the most significant factor as 1 and the least significant factor as 9:

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* 5. If you attend future GAs, it will be (Check all that apply)

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* 6. What did you do to prepare for General Assembly? (Check all that apply)

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* 7. How many times did you visit the GA Virtual Exhibit Hall?

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* 8. Did you view any Posters or Videos in the GA Virtual Exhibit Hall Poster Fair?

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* 9. Did you attend any Learning Stage events in the GA Virtual Exhibit Hall?

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* 10. While in the GA Exhibit Hall, how many exhibit booths did you visit?

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* 11. Did you serve as a delegate to GA?

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* 12. If you served as a delegate, did you (Check all that apply)

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* 13. In what way are you in a shared ministry with your congregation? (Check all that apply)

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* 14. Your age group

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* 15. Gender (Check all that apply)

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* 16. Race / Ethnicity (Check all that apply)

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* 17. Identities not already covered, that you'd like to share

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* 19. Concerns

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* 20. If you have a question and would like a response, please put your question here and include your contact information below

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* 21. Contact Information (optional)