Prior to our workshop, please take fill out this reflection on your work/life today. The survey, and the reflection required, will ensure that you maximize the value of the workshop.

This information will be kept completely confidential (viewed by me only). I may choose to share some of the non-identifiable data in aggregate during the workshop. If you have any questions, please email me directly at: ben@sandsleadership.com.

Thanks, Ben

Question Title

* 1. HOW DO YOU "FEEL" TODAY?: Based upon your life TODAY, answer each question below using a scale of 1-5...1 = Not True; 5 = Very True

  5 - Very True 4 3 2 1 - Not True
I feel a deep sense of connection with those I work
I feel like the work I do matters; that it is important
I feel financially secure
I feel like I have valuable expertise and skills
I feel confident and optimistic about my professional path forward
I feel like the work I do is well-aligned with my core values
I feel bored, or stagnant, in my current role
I feel like I am growing a lot, professionally, in my current role

Question Title

* 2. YOUR FAVORITE PLACES | If money were no object, where would you live? (list your 3 favorite cities, places, towns, etc)

Question Title

* 3. COMPANIES YOU ADMIRE | List 5 companies that you admire (regardless of whether you'd like to work for them or not)

Question Title

* 4. WHAT DO YOU "LOVE"? | What are your favorite things to do? What gives you energy and makes your life better/more enjoyable in a material way. (Anything goes! e.g. reading, web design, watching TED talks, playing Candy Crush, taking classes at General Assembly, etc...)

Question Title

* 5. WHAT MAKES YOU ANGRY? | What are your pet peeves; major or minor annoyances; problems that you want solved, etc. (e.g. people who text and drive; Congress' inability to get things done; people who eat your stuff in the office fridge, etc)

Question Title

* 6. WHAT IS YOUR "DREAM" JOB? | If money are no object, and you could do anything, anywhere in the world, what would it be?

Question Title

* 7. Just for fun, what's the WORST job you've ever had?

Question Title

* 8. OF WHAT ARE YOU MOST PROUD? | Please share a moment, or accomplishment, in your recent past of which you are proud. Anything goes!

Question Title

* 9. Would you like access to additional research, tools and best practices that can help you live a life you love? If so, enter your email address here to receive the monthly Sands Leadership newsletter: