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* 1. To what extent does the draft Wodonga Bowling Club vision statement (below) describe the future state of a Club you want to be a part of?

Vision Statement:  The Wodonga Bowling Club provides members, the local community and visitors to our Club with a first class bowling experience, a welcoming and vibrant social environment, and an attractive venue option for meetings, events and functions.

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* 2. To what extent do you agree that the draft Wodonga Bowling Club mission statements (below) are appropriate to achieve our vision?

Mission Statement:
- To manage our Club in a financially responsible manner, ensuring we provide a valued local opportunity for social connection and physical activity, now and in the future.
- To implement innovative initiatives designed to increase membership, attract visitation and generate revenue, so that we can continue to deliver the best possible Bowling Club experience.
- To operate in a friendly, positive and forward thinking manner, creating a sustainable future and an atmosphere of harmony and belonging.

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To achieve the Wodonga Bowling Club, six strategic focus areas have been identified.  Please rate your level of support for the strategic focus areas where 1 = strongly support and 4 = strongly do NOT support.

  1  Strongly support 2 Support 3 Do not support 4. Strongly do not support
Welcoming Environment: Provide a welcoming member & visitor experience
Financial Management: Implement prudent financial management for long term sustainability.
Facilities: Enhance facilities to provide first class bowling and social opportunities.
Marketing: Improve marketing to attract members and visitors, and to increase venue usage.
Bowling Experience: Improve the bowling experience for competition and social bowlers.
Human Resources (Paid/Unpaid): Maximise engagement and satisfaction of paid and unpaid staff.

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* 4. Please rank the priority of the six strategic focus areas by numbering them 1 to 6, where 1 is the most important and 6 is the least important.

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If Wodonga Bowling Club is to successfully achieve our vision, it is important that the whole Club contributes to the development and implementation of the business plan. Please consider joining a Strategic Plan sub-committee.

Please indicate which Strategic Plan sub-committee you are interested in participating in (if more than one, please prioritise in order of interest).

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* 6. Please enter your name so we know which members are keen to join which sub-committees

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* 7. Thank you for providing your feedback.  If you have any additional comments to contribute, please do so below: