Game Company Survey of Interest

U-Dimensions is a new startup company, providing both web and mobile platforms to help game companies turn their digital creations into 3D printed accessories. Our technology produces 3D printed merchandise of 2D and 3D game characters, which will gain extra profit and facilitate a deeper connection with fans. We are asking game companies to give us their input, which is very important in helping us understand the current video game merchandise situation. Thank you so much for participating in this survey.

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* 1.  Are you currently selling any video game-based merchandise?

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* 2. If yes, please specify the type.

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* 3. If not, what is the biggest reason for not selling video game-based merchandise?

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* 4. Would you be interested in 3D printing your game characters into accessories? Please specify.

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* 5. What kind of 3D printed accessories would be desirable for your fans?

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* 6. What are the age groups of your fans?

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* 7. How many average active players do you have for your game?

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* 8. What price range would you consider selling your accessories at?

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* 9. What distribution channel would you choose to sell merchandise?

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* 10. What is your preferred way of gaining profit from game merchandise?

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* 11. Would you be interested in trying our service with a free trial period?