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Please fill out the following survey in order to apply for the 2020 AFP Houston Diversity Membership Scholarship. 

Requirements Before Applying:

□ Not currently a member of AFP

□ Must identify as a person of color currently employed with a nonprofit organization, and at least 50% of your time is devoted to fundraising

□ Must provide a narrative stating why you are asking for the scholarship and what you expect to gain from becoming a member of the Association of Fundraising Professionals – Greater Houston Chapter

Requirements If Awarded:

□ Write a brief statement about your appreciation for the scholarship.

□ Join the IDEA committee.

□ Help to recruit new members.

Question Title

* 1. Please provide your contact information. 

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* 2. Do you self-identify as a member of one of the following diverse communities ?

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* 3. How would you describe your sexual orientation? (Choose all that apply). 

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* 4. How many years have you been employed as a fundraiser?

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* 5. Are you currently employed at an organization that serves 50% or more from a diverse community 

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* 6. Are you a current AFP member?

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* 7. In 500 words or less could you briefly reflect on the importance of diversity and inclusion across the field of fundraising?

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* 8. How long have you been responsible for fund raising with your present employer?

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* 9. If awarded this scholarship I will volunteer with the AFP-GHC IDEA committee

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* 10. Why do you want to receive a membership scholarship? (<150 words; attach additional sheet)

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* 11. In the future would you be interested in being matched with a mentor or serving as a mentor?

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* 12. Please provide the phone number and email of a professional reference.

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* 13. By checking "yes," I certify that I understand that if awarded this scholarship my name, job title, and a brief bio along with my headshot will be promoted in chapter communications as a "Diversity Scholar". 

Thank you for completing the AFP Houston Diversity Membership Scholarship application. A member of the IDEA committee will follow up with you. Please contact if you have any questions. 
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