Information Sheet and Consent Form

King’s College Research Ethics Committee Ref: LRS-16/17-4036

Before you consent to take part in this survey, please read this information sheet.

Thank you for considering taking part in this research. The person organising the research must explain the project to you before you agree to take part.  If you have any questions arising from the Information Sheet or explanation already given to you, please contact the researcher ( before you decide whether to join in. You can access the Consent Form here to keep and refer to at any time.

Question Title

* 1. Please tick all of the boxes below to participate in this survey.

Question Title

* 2. Participant’s Statement: 'I ­­­­­­­­­­­­agree that the research project named above has been explained to me to my satisfaction and I agree to take part in the study. I have read both the notes written above and the Information Page about the project, and understand what the research study involves.'

Please tick one box below.

Investigator’s Statement: I, Julia Haas, confirm that I have carefully explained the nature, demands and any foreseeable risks (where applicable) of the proposed research to the participant.

Signed: Julia Haas, King's College London Students' Union Wellbeing Coordinator

Date: 17 March 2017
20% of survey complete.