Exit 202412 CASA members Question Title * 1. Why did you join CASA? To make friends To learn about the region Other (please specify) Question Title * 2. How many events have you attended in the last 12 months? None 1-3 4-6 6+ Question Title * 3. What are the reasons for not attending events? Cost is too high Lack of variety in venues The travel time is too long The time of day does not work Weekdays do not work Other (please specify) Question Title * 4. Do you want CASA to continue? Yes No Question Title * 5. What do you think of the membership fee (€10 per annum)? Too high Too low Just right Other (please specify) Question Title * 6. Which type of events / activities do you enjoy? Eating out - no activity involved Eating out - with an activity Wine tasting Arts & culture Sports / competitive events Overnight stays Other (please specify) Question Title * 7. Should CASA invest in new technology to help grow the membership base? Yes No If “Yes” please add details Question Title * 8. How do you think CASA can grow the membership base? Question Title * 9. Are you interested in volunteering for a position on the committee? Yes No If “Yes” please specify which role Question Title * 10. Please leave any other suggestions or comments here: Done