Thank you for your input!

This survey has questions about your Internet service at HOME.  The purpose of the survey is to determine the level of service you currently have at home, how you use the Internet, what you currently pay, and what is most important to you in regards to high speed Internet service.

Question Title

* 1. To which age group do you belong?

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* 2. How much do you currently pay for your Internet each month?

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* 3. Does this cost include other bundled services? (Check all that apply.)

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* 4. How reliable do you find your Internet connection?

  Never Sometimes Most of the time. Always
The speed is too slow.
The connection interrupts. 

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* 5. How would you rate the speed of your Internet?

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* 6. How important is it to you to receive one invoice for Internet, cable TV and/or phone service?

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* 7. A group of local community members are working to put together a grant to pay for and/or to collaborate with local providers to pay for an upgraded, advanced fiber optic Internet system.  Are you in support of this effort?

Question Title

* 8. If you have DSL service today, you are receiving speeds of 1 - 30 Megabits per second "Mbps."  With cable modem service, you are most likely receiving speeds of 5 - 100 Mbps.  If you could subscribe to much faster speeds, which would you be more likely to chose?

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* 9. Which of these options would you be more likely to chose?

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* 10. Which of these options would you be more likely to chose?

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* 11. What is most important to you regarding your Internet service? (Please rank the following choices, with 1 being the most important.)

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* 12. Does anyone in your household work from home?

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* 13. If your employment offered you the ability to work from home, would you telecommute?

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* 14. How many people living at your home are in elementary, high school or attending college?

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* 15. Do you currently have a home based business or plan to start one in the next 2 years?

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* 16. Which of the following devices do you have and how many of these devices do you have in your household?

  None 1 2 3 more than 3
Tablet, computer
Desktop computer
Laptop computer
Smart phone
Smart TV
DVD/DVR or Blue Ray Player
Game Console
Streaming TV (Apple TV, Google Chromecast, Amazon Fire, etc.)

Question Title

* 17. Which of the following Internet Service Providers do you use in your home? If you have more than one Internet Service Provider or more than one home, please select your primary provider at your primary residence.

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* 18. What do you think the primary role for the local government should be with respect to broadband access? (Please choose only one)

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* 19. If your local government asked for a vote to raise taxes of up to $300 per household per year to help pay for a state of the art, fiber optic Internet system, what would your vote be?

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* 20. Please provide your address so we can better pinpoint your current broadband experience.  This survey is strictly confidential and no addresses or personal information will be shared.

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* 21. Would you like your name to be added to a petition stating your support for this effort?