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* 1. Are you a new or returning family? 

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* 2. How many years have you participated in the Uniform Exchange? 

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* 3. How many items did you contribute to the Uniform Exchange this year?

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* 4. Did you attend the Exchange event in August?

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* 5. If YES, how many items did you take from the exchange event?

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* 6. Please rank the following statements:

  Agree Disagree Neutral 
The times offered for the exchange were reasonable. 
Items were staged appropriately at Holy Family and easy to find. 
The location at Holy Family was visitor friendly (easy to access). 
There were enough items for me to exchange/swap 1:1. 
One event per year is enough. 

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* 7. Please provide any additional feedback you wish to share. The Grandparents Club with review this information during their annual planning meeting. 

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* 8. Please enter your email address if you wish to be entered into the $25 Lands End gift card drawing!