Question Title

* 1. What do you think about the length of the Python workshop?

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* 2. How would you rate the level of detail provided?

Question Title

* 3. On a scale of 1 to 5, please rate the instructor's capabilities in the following areas:

  Disappointing Excellent
Ability to communicate the principles
Organization skills
Presentation skills
Clarity when explaining difficult concepts
Attentiveness to students questions

Question Title

* 4. On a scale of 1 to 5, please rate the following:

  Disappointing Excellent
I found the workshop intellectually stimulating
The workshop provided me with a deeper understanding of the subject matter
The instructor created a workshop atmosphere that was conductive to my learning

Question Title

* 5. Overall the quality of my learning experience in the course was

Question Title

* 6. I would recommend this workshop