Your responses help us define best practices.

Question Title

* 1. Your Name & Title

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* 2. Your Parish & City

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* 3. Did you or someone from your parish attend one of the ACA trainings?

Question Title

* 4. We have continued to provide ACA training in person at various locations and as an online webinar. What continues to be your preference?

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* 5. This year, our office placed the ACA materials order for you.

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* 6. Did you have a parish project to promote for this year's ACA campaign?

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* 7. Did you use a witness speaker this year?

Question Title

* 8. ACA Timeline - Start of Campaign

Question Title

* 9. ACA Timeline - Letters Mailed by the Parish (select all that apply)

Question Title

* 10. ACA Timeline - Timing of Pastor/Archbishop Mailings

Question Title

* 11. ACA Timeline -  Sequencing of Pastor/Archbishop Mailings.
This year, in order to take advantage of a specific, individual 'Ask' by the Archdiocese, our office did the first two mailings (April 25th & May 23rd) and pushed the pastor support mailing to June...

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* 12. This year, we included an 'Ask String' on the pledge card that was mailed for Archbishop mailing 1 & 2. This 'Ask String' was  specific for each individual who received a mailing.

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* 13. Digital Communication - Email/Social Media

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* 14. For those parishes with Hispanic communities, we suggested you take up 4 consecutive collections in May and then transition to a monthly collection over the next few months:

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* 15. ACA Campaign Resources: Please rate the following CAMPAIGN resources according to their usefulness during the campaign

  Not very useful Somewhat useful Useful Very Useful Not sure/Did not use/Don't know what this is
Weekly Alerts from our office
Shipment Instructions on how to use materials
Leadership Manual
At-a-glance timeline (quick review timeline)
Pledge processing guide
Digital plan for social media & email communication
QR Code
Videos (Both Archbishops, CYO Camps, Pastoral ministries)
Graphics (web banner, social media, electronic thermometer)
Thank you by name flyer (for bulletin)
Keeping the message fresh document
Witness Guide (English or Spanish)
Difference between ACA & Stewardship flyer
Spanish/Vietnamese resources

Question Title

* 16. ACA Material Resources. Please rate the following campaign MATERIALS according to their practicality and functionality.

  Not very practical/functional Somewhat practical/functional Practical & Functional Very Practical & Functional Neutral on the practicality/functionality of this item
Posters (with built-in thermometer)
Pop-up Banners
Archbishop Prayer Card (included in his first mailing)
Bulletin Inserts (4 inserts)Square
Buckslips (full color media piece included in AB mailing and Pastor support mailing)
Pew Envelope (tear away flap w/QR code on front)
Pledge Card (used for parish mailings)
Social Media Graphics
Parish Web Banners

Question Title

* 17. In your opinion, what works for you at YOUR parish (or what went better) as you try to communicate and engage your parishioners in the ACA campaign?

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* 18. How can our Annual Campaigns office serve you better?