Submission closes: October 15, 2019 11:59 PM

Instructions for completing nomination:

Thank you for taking the time to recognize outstanding individuals and/or organizations by nominating them for an award. In this form, Keep America Beautiful asks you to provide information about the nominee and why you believe the nominee is deserving of the award.

We provide guidelines in the "Written Responses" section about the length of responses. Applications that do not follow length requirements may be disqualified.

You may preview the application in its entirety in the PDF here. If you wish to save a copy of your answers offline, we encourage you to copy your answers into a Word document or a PDF editor.


Keep America Beautiful is the iconic national nonprofit organization that inspires and educates people to take action every day to improve and beautify their community environment.  We envision a country where every community is a clean, green, and beautiful place to live.

Help Keep America Beautiful honor outstanding individual volunteers for their efforts to deliver more beautiful, cleaner and improved neighborhoods and public spaces.  For more than 60 years, Keep America Beautiful has been honoring the best of the best in community improvement and stewardship.


Lady Bird Johnson Award:
This award is given to an outstanding female volunteer for exceptional leadership with at least 10 years in helping her local community to become cleaner, greener and more beautiful.  The award originated during a "Salute to Women in Beautification" program at Keep America Beautiful’s National Conference in 1968, and commemorates the former First Lady’s many litter prevention and beautification activities.  Since then, more than 60 outstanding volunteer women have received this award.

Iron Eyes Cody Award:
The Iron Eyes Cody Award honors outstanding male volunteers for exceptional leadership with at least 10 years in helping his local community to become cleaner, greener and more beautiful, and by raising public awareness about the need for citizens to participate in activities that preserve and enhance natural resources and public lands. Since 1988, more than 20 men have been honored with this award.

Carolyn Crayton Award:
The Carolyn Crayton Award recognizes an individual board member, company, or organization of a local Keep America Beautiful affiliate for long standing service to that affiliate. The individual / organization will have demonstrated leadership by contributing their time, talent, and/or dollars to improve the quality of life in that community and contributed to the sustainability of the affiliate.

Young Professional Award:
The Keep America Beautiful Young Professional Award honors an outstanding volunteer under the age of 40. This individual demonstrates exceptional leadership in helping their local community to become cleaner, greener and more beautiful through their role as a volunteer separate from regular job duties.
  • Winners will be selected by a volunteer panel of current and past members of the affiliate network, Keep America Beautiful leaders, and when applicable Keep America Beautiful National Staff
  • One winner may be selected in each category 
  • Keep America Beautiful reserves the right to not award in one or all categories.  
  • Winners may also be selected on the basis of other 2019 Keep America Beautiful Awards Applications or winners may be selected at the discretion of Keep America Beautiful Staff
  • Applications or nominees from affiliates who are not in Good Standing with Keep America Beautiful will not be considered. 
  • Judges may request additional materials
  • All winners will be notified by Dec. 15, 2019
  • Awards will be presented at Keep America Beautiful's Annual National Conference
    • February 12 - 14, 2020 in Memphis, TN

Question Title

* 1. Which Achievement Award category are you applying for?

Question Title

* 2. How should the name appear on the award, if selected? 
*Please ensure proper spelling.  Your submission to this question will be used in the KAB National Award Program Booklet and on your award.