The Office of the Special Prosecutor (OSP) is working with a grant from the UN to improve access to Open Government and reporting of government corruption. 

The survey is anonymous.  Once answers are submitted, they are sent to Survey Monkey who removes all identifiers and only the responses are forwarded to the OSP.  A summary report of the responses will be published for public understanding and be used to provide guidance on improving the public reporting processes at all levels of government.

"The exposure and punishment of public corruption is an honor to a nation, not a disgrace," said President Teddy Roosevelt to the US Congress in 1903. He went on to say that "the shame lies in toleration, not in correction…. If we fail to do all that in us lies to stamp out corruption we can not escape our share of responsibility for the guilt. The first requisite of successful self-government is unflinching enforcement of the law and the cutting out of corruption."

By participating in this survey, you will assist in the effort to promote Open Government and stamp out corruption through improved reporting processes. First, however, we must find out what is wrong. So thank you all who openly and honestly choose to participate.

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* 1. Have you ever observed corruption in any government in Palau, whether it be at the national or state level?

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* 2. If your answer above was yes, what type of corruption did you observe? Check all that apply.

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* 3. If you observed corruption committed by a government employee or public official, whether in the state or national government, did you report it?

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* 4. If you reported the corruption, where or to whom did you report it?

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* 5. If you reported it, was the matter resolved?

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* 6. If you did not report the corruption, why not?

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* 7. From 1985-1994, public corruption in government has:

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* 8. From 1995-2004, public corruption in government has:

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* 9. From 2005-2015, public corruption in government has:

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* 10. From 2015-current date, public corruption in government has:

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* 11. What suggestions do you have to improve the reporting process for Palau in order to reduce corruption?