Somers Paper Nautilus: Community Survey 2021 Tell us what you think about a local paper in Somers Question Title * 1. Do you think Somers needs its own newspaper? Yes, I think a local paper is useful and valuable No, I get the local news I need from other sources Unsure Question Title * 2. What would you like to read about? Choose the options that appeal. Somers news & stories Red Hill Ward news & stories Somers activities, events & businesses, people Somers community groups Somers community issues Fiction stories Non-fiction stories Events guide (Somers & surrounds) Book reviews Entertainment & restaurant profiles and reviews Any other ideas? (please specify) Question Title * 3. When would you like to read it? Monthly Every second month Quarterly Question Title * 4. How do you like to read your news? Print Online Both Question Title * 5. Would you like to receive Somers Paper Nautilus via email? Yes (Please tell us your email address) No My email address is: Question Title * 6. How often did you read Somers Paper Nautilus? Regularly Occasionally Never Question Title * 7. Would you like to get involved in a Somers newspaper? Yes, as a contributor Yes, as an organiser No Question Title * 8. Please tell us your age range Under 18 18-24 25-34 35-44 45-54 55-64 65+ Prefer not to say Question Title * 9. Would you like to go in the draw to win a meal at The Somers General? Yes (please tell us your email address) No My email address is: Question Title * 10. Would you like to receive future updates or get involved in Somers Paper Nautilus? Yes (Please tell us your email address) No My email address is: Done