Over the past few months, CPSU NSW has conducted several member meetings. During these members meetings, MSLs and MCs have provided feedback about the recent Aruma survey, along with their varied experiences in their roles.
On the whole, the feedback CPSU NSW has received from MSL/MC members about their real life experiences in these challenging roles has been far from positive.
Now that the Aruma staff survey has been undertaken, and, as a direct result of your feedback, CPSU NSW has decided to undertake its own survey of MSL/MC members.
All MSL/MCs employed in Aruma are encouraged to complete the CPSU NSW survey. Regardless of whether you are a CPSU NSW member or not, your participation in our survey is welcome.
Please speak to your MSL/MC colleagues and encourage them to participate in the survey so we have a broad range of feedback.
Some generalised information gained from the survey may be shared with Aruma. Only aggregated (for example percentages and gender based responses) along with anonymised survey data may be shared with Aruma to support CPSU NSW advocacy in support of MSL/MC members.
CPSU NSW will not share identifying information such as your name, work location or any other personal data with Aruma or any other third parties. This information is for CPSU NSW purposes and will help to inform the union during enterprise agreement bargaining and performance improvement program discussions for our members.
The main aim of the survey is to consult with you and get your frank feedback about your experiences in these roles. We ask for your name and contact details as our duty of care to members who may need follow up support if your response indicates you are struggling with the psychological and physical pressures associated with performing your crucial MSL/MC role in Aruma.
If you prefer to respond anonymously, without providing your name or work location, please continue to complete the survey.

Question Title

* 1. Your Name

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* 2. Your preferred email contact

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* 3. Your work location

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* 4. Are you a union member?

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* 5. Are you:

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* 6. How important do you think the MSL/MC role is to the improvements and success of Aruma?

Question Title

* 7. How well do you understand the responsibilities and duties of your new MSL/MC role?

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* 8. Have you received the necessary training and support to adapt to your new MSL/MC role and structure?

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* 9. Overall, how effective was the training that you received to help you adapt to the MSL/MC role?

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* 10. Please let us know what further training you feel you need to be successful in the MSL/MC role?

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* 11. What is the quality of the resources available to you as a MSL/MC? (eg FAQs, Standard Operating Procedures, Cheat sheets)

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* 12. What specific resources are absent but should be provided by Aruma to assist you in your MSL/MC role?

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* 13. Do you have concerns about any of the following- please select as many as apply

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* 14. In your opinion, where does Aruma need to focus our efforts to support you to successfully perform your MSL/MC role?

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* 15. Tell us about what you enjoy most about the MSL/MC role, what new things have you learnt/experienced? Eg customer outcomes

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* 16. In your opinion, can you tell us what is working or what is not working in the MSL/MC role?

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* 17. Do you feel supported by your line manager?

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* 18. Do you have staffing shortages in your workplace?

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* 19. Do you have to cover staffing shortages in your workplace?

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* 20. How often are you back filling due to staff shortages?

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* 21. Do short term issues affect your ability to complete your day to day tasks?

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* 22. What happens if short term issues affect your ability to complete your core duties?

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* 23. These are factors of my working experience in Aruma post-restructure in my MSL/MC role (please select all that apply)

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* 24. If you would prefer a confidential 1:1 phone call to discuss any aspects of the MSL/MC role with a CPSU NSW Organiser, please indicate here?

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* 25. If you would like to speak to the CPSU NSW, please let us know how you can best be contacted?

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* 26. Are you in the Sydney metropolitan area, or rural/regional NSW.

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* 27. If you are rural or regional NSW, please confirm which town you are currently in?

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* 28. Do you have any additional feedback?