Performer Expression Of Interest

Readipop music charity runs a number of community based music projects including the XOX project which celebrates vintage synths and music technology.

XOX project hosts events in the Reading area which feature EMOM (Electronic Music Open Mic) performance slots. Fill in this form if you are interested in performing at one of these events. Absolute beginners are welcome alongside experience performers.

We aim to have a diverse mix of experience and genres at these events and are keen to support newbies. We will also be running workshops for those keen to learn about music tech and maybe get a set together...
1.Real Name(Required.)
2.Artist/Act Name(Required.)
4.Mobile/Contact Phone Number(Required.)
5.How many times have you performed live in last 12 months?
6.Which upcoming EMOM Events are you interested in performing at?
7.Where in the country are you based?
8.Where can we hear your music (e.g. link to YouTube, SoundCloud, Bandcamp, etc)?
9.We aim to feature a few performers at each event and need to keep the technology manageable so we can do quick changeovers etc. We'll contact you to find out more about your set-up but some basic info will help us plan.
10.Any Comments or Special Requests
11.Data Usage Statement. By completing this form you agree to Readipop collecting your data for the purposes of organising participation in electronic music events and keeping you notified of future relevant events.(Required.)
Current Progress,
0 of 11 answered