NONPF values you as a member! This survey allows current NONPF members to provide feedback on the future direction of NONPF and to inform the next strategic plan.

Format: This electronic survey with member engagement questions is designed to capture your perspectives and inform the future direction of NONPF. The first set of questions is required, with optional questions focusing on operations and demographics.

Incentive: We know your time is valuable, and in recognition of your efforts, NONPF is awarding several free individual memberships for the next membership cycle to different survey respondents who complete the entire survey. Winners will be randomly selected and notified the week of January 20. To be eligible to win, you must include your email. All survey responses are due by January 15, 2025.

Thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts and experiences!

Mary Beth Bigley, DrPH, ANP-BC, FAAN
Chief Executive Officer
National Organization of Nurse Practitioner Faculties

Question Title

* 1. Emerging issues, topics, and trends significantly impact the NP profession and education. Using the arrows on the side, please rank the following options in order of relevance, from most important to least important. You can drag to re-order below or rank them on a 1-11 scale. (1 = Most important, 11 = Least important)

Question Title

* 2. Please identify any additional priorities that have not been listed, if applicable.

Question Title

* 3. What is the main barrier to your engagement or participation in NONPF’s programs? (Select all that apply)

Question Title

* 4. NONPF's new mission statement is: "To empower members to advance excellence in nurse practitioner education." On a scale of 1 to 4, how well does this statement align with your understanding of NONPF? (1 = Not at all, 4 = Very well)

Question Title

* 5. On a scale of 1 to 4, how well do the newly proposed values of NONPF—Advocacy, Community, Excellence, and Professionalism—reflect its core beliefs and principles guiding its operations? (1 = Not at all, 4 = Very well)

Question Title

* 6. NONPF's new vision statement is: "To be a national leader and global partner uniting and mobilizing highly skilled, adaptive, and diverse nurse practitioner educators to advance excellence in nurse practitioner education." On a scale of 1 to 4, how accurately does this statement reflect NONPF's direction and goals? (1 = Not at all, 4 = Very well)

Question Title

* 7. Which of the following priorities do you think is NONPF’s best use of time to address? Using the arrows on the side, please rank the following options in order of relevance, from most important to least important. You can drag to re-order below or rank them on a 1-9 scale. (1 = Most important, 9 = Least important)

Question Title

* 8. Approximately, how often do you access NONPF's programs, services, and resources on the NONPF website?

Question Title

* 9. Do you use NONPF resources to design and/or update your courses?

Question Title

* 10. Please select the following NONPF social media accounts you currently follow. (Select all that apply)

Question Title

* 11. How often do you open and review NONPF's email communications?

Question Title

* 12. For membership communication and NONPF updates, what is the most efficient way to contact you? (Select all that apply)

Question Title

* 13. How effective are NONPF's emails in keeping you informed about resources, programs, and events? (1 = Not at all, 4 = Very well)

Question Title

* 14. What types of leadership or volunteer opportunities would you like NONPF to offer? Please rank the following options in order of relevance, from most important to least important. (1=Most Important, 6=Least important)

Question Title

* 15. If you have yet to serve in a leadership role, are you interested in holding one in the future?

Question Title

* 16. In which area(s) are you certified by a national certifying organization? (Select all that apply)

Question Title

* 17. How long have you been a member of NONPF?

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* 18. Do you feel the current leadership of NONPF represents your perspectives and concerns related to the current/future state of NP education?

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* 19. Does your institutional leadership know who NONPF is, including our resources?

Question Title

* 20. Does your institutional leadership support your engagement in NONPF?

Question Title

* 21. Do you recommend NONPF’s resources to your colleagues and peers?

Question Title

* 22. What would you like NONPF to do as an organization to help increase your engagement and participation?

Question Title

* 23. What is the most impactful thing NONPF has done for you as a NONPF member?