2018 Career Exploration Day Volunteer Survey

Thank you for volunteering for the 2018 Career Exploration Day for all 7th Graders in Washington County on June 6, 2018.  Please answer the short survey below so we can begin the planning for our event.  We will be contacting you closer to our date with more details.  If you have any questions, feel free to contact Paul Frey or Jim Kercheval.

Paul Frey, President of Washington Co. Chamber of Commerce

Jim Kercheval, OnTrack Washington County

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* 1. Please fill out the following contact information

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* 2. Would you like to volunteer to lead a class at Career Exploration Day? (if answering NO you can skip to Question #10) 
NOTE: We are working to provide students with a wide variety of career options across all of the industries in Maryland.  We will have approximately 1600 students participating requiring about 40 classes for each session.  Depending on responses, we my need to limit presenters in specific fields.  Once all responses are received, we will contact every business responding to confirm your participation and provide you with logistical details you will need for the event.

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* 3. Please write a brief summary of the career or careers you will be talking about with students.

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* 4. What industry does your career discussion fall into?  

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* 5. Please list the names of any additional people who will be participating in your classroom presentation

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* 6. The 7th graders will be split up into two groups - half coming late morning, and half coming early afternoon.  Each student will have the opportunity to attend 2 classes during their session.  What session(s) are you available to teach a class for?

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* 7. What type of classroom space best fits your needs?
Specialty spaces are very limited and subject to availability.  We will do our best to place businesses appropriately.  WiFI/internet access is available in all spaces

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* 8. How should your classroom be set up?

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* 9. What equipment do you need for your presentation? (check all that apply)

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* 10. Would you like to volunteer to assist with the logistics for the day (Set-up, Check-in, Escort students between classes, Tear Down, etc.) - ( You can check all boxes that apply.  If answering YES we will contact you with more details closer to event

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* 11. Would you or your company be interested in financially sponsoring this event

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* 12. Please list any other comments or questions you have: