The Tech360 Technology Team of the Year Award has been established by the Innovative Technology Action Group (ITAG) and the Ideas x Innovation Network (i2n) to recognize a Technology Team that has made an outstanding contribution to its business, employees or community.

The winning team will be announced at Tech360 on Thursday, November 16, 2017 at Penn State University Great Valley.  Interested nominees should reserve a spot at Tech360. The price of the conference will be refunded for up to 2 winning team members who are registered prior to November 3, 2017.  Registration is not required to be considered for this award.  

Nominations must be received by 5 PM November 3, 2017.

Please provide the following information to make a nomination for the Technology Team of the Year Award at Tech360:

Question Title

* 1. Nominator Contact Information

Question Title

* 2. Team Name:

Question Title

* 3. Company/Organization:

Question Title

* 4. Address:

Question Title

* 5. Number of team members*:
*Note: Winning team will be asked to provide names of team members.

Question Title

* 6. Team Lead Phone:

Question Title

* 7. Team Lead Email:

Question Title

* 8. Brief Description of Reason for Nomination (In 250 words or less, tell us why this IT department is exceptional and should win the Tech360 Technology Team of the Year Award):