Survey focusing on the personal reasons people smoke cigarettes and tobacco. This does not relate to smoking any other substances and only relates to people who already smoke tobacco. The survey only allows to add small text boxes, but these can contain longer responses if needed.

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* 1. How long have you been smoking tobacco?

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* 2. Do you prefer social or solitary smoking?

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* 3. Are you aware of the short and long term effects of smoking?

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* 4. Has this habit ever personally affected you or others in your personal life in any serious way?

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* 5. How much on a scale of 1-10 would you say that societal/social pressure has influenced your habit of smoking?

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* 6. Have you ever considered quitting?

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* 7. How do you feel when you haven't smoked for a while?

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* 8. What would you say, in your own words, would potentially put you off smoking the most?

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* 9. Finally, what are the benefits for you personally and why do you smoke?