Dear Alumni,

The Harvard Alumni Club of Brazil and Harvard's DRCLAS Brazil Office are interested in learning more about the economic, social, and cultural impact of Harvard alumni in Brazil and around the world. The Harvard-Brazil Alumni Impact Survey is collecting information related to your education, employment, leadership, impact, recognition, and community and social engagement. Your responses will help guide our strategy for Alumni networking, events, and public service activities in Brazil.

It should take you approximately 10 - 15 minutes to complete the survey.  Do not miss this opportunity to tell us your story!

Participation is voluntary and you may decline to answer any of the questions by simply leaving them blank. Unless you consent to share your personal information, your responses to the survey will be made anonymous and no information that would allow you to be identified without your consent will be reported or shared. Aggregate results will be communicated to the Harvard-Brazil community and may be published online.