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Fulton Street, Priority Needs and Concerns

Help the Cypress Hills Business Partners identify priority needs and concerns for the Fulton Street commercial corridor! As a neighborhood stakeholder, your input is extremely valuable and your personal information will be kept confidential. If you complete this survey online, you will be entered to win prizes and gift certificates from our Fulton Street partners.

This survey is distributed by a group of businesses and stakeholders who are interested in improving the community with support from Cypress Hills LDC and NYC Small Business Services.

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* 1. Stakeholder Status (check all that apply). Please answer all following questions based on this selection:

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* 2. Which sections of the Fulton Street Corridor do you most frequent? Rate from 1-5, using each number once (1= most frequented).

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* 3. Neighborhood Conditions: On a scale of 1 to 5, rate your level of agreement (1 = strongly disagree and 5 = strongly agree)

  Strongly Disagree Somewhat Disagree  Neutral  Somewhat Agree  Strongly Agree 
"the neighborhood has dirty streets"
"the neighborhood has dirty sidewalks"
"pedestrians feel unsafe during the day"
"pedestrians feel unsafe at night"
"pedestrians and visitors are frequently lost"
"the neighborhood lacks a clear identity"
"streets and sidewalks are in need of repair"
"building facades are in need of repair"
"street lighting is in need of repair"
"merchants would benefit from collective marketing"
"the neighborhood has many retail vacancies"
"I can find what I need among local stores"
"certain kinds of stores are missing in the neighborhood"
"the quality of local retailers is excellent"

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* 4. Please put an "x" next to any of the following quality of life issues exist in the neighborhood

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* 5. From question 4, please list and rank your top 3 quality of life issues, with 1 being the most important

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* 6. Please place an "x" in front of the services that you think are needed in the neighborhood

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* 7. From question 6, please list and rank your top 3 services you feel are needed in the neighborhood, with 1 being the most important

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* 8. How often do you purchase goods or services on Fulton Street?

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* 9. How often do you dine/order takeout on Fulton Street?

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* 10. What would entice you to dine or shop on Fulton Street more often? 

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* 11. What kind of businesses would you like to see on Fulton Street?

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* 12. How do you get to Fulton Street (select all that apply)

0 of 18 answered