Question Title

* 1. Please let us know who is responding to this survey. (Your name and contact information will NOT be shared and will only be used to send you a gift card for completing this survey, or reach you if there is a question specific to this survey.)

Question Title

* 3. Which FreewayNC curriculum material(s) did you use?

Question Title

* 4. Grade levels in which you used the curriculum:

Question Title

* 5. After teaching the curriculum, how well-informed do you feel about the issue of human trafficking?

Question Title

* 6. How relevant do you feel the issue of human trafficking is to your students?

Question Title

* 7. At present, how well-equipped do you feel to do the following, as needed?

  Not at all Somewhat/partially Sufficiently Very well
Identify the warning signs of trafficked or at-risk youth
Identify a trafficker and grooming/recruiting behaviors
Educate your students on human trafficking using a trauma-informed approach
Assist a student with responding to and reporting a trafficking-related concern

Question Title

* 8. How well-informed do you feel your students are about the issue of human trafficking after completing the curriculum?

Question Title

* 9. After completing the curriculum, how well-prepared and motivated do you feel your students are to do the following?

  Not at all Somewhat/partially Sufficiently Very well
Identify the warning signs of trafficked or at-risk peers
Identify a trafficker and grooming/recruiting behaviors
Share with others about human trafficking awareness and prevention
Make wise personal choices to protect themselves from trafficking danger
Warn a friend who may be getting caught up in a trafficking situation
Speak up for or help a friend report a potential trafficking-related concern

Question Title

* 10. In general, how strongly do you agree with the following descriptions of this curriculum?

  Strongly Disagree Disagree Neutral or Undecided Agree Strongly Agree
Easy to teach
Age-appropriate for my students
Applicable to the female students in my class(es)
Applicable to the male students in my class(es)
Content is styled in a way my students receive well
Provides enough critical information to the student
Too much information to condense into the time available
Too in-depth for students to absorb the material well
Too explicit and/or frightening
Too vague

Question Title

* 11. How well do the following statements reflect how you feel about what it was like to use this curriculum?

  Strongly Disagree Disagree Neutral or Undecided Agree Strongly Agree
Too much prep time was required.
The curriculum effectively equipped me to teach the material.
I felt uncomfortable presenting a topic of this nature to the students.
I was comfortable using the scripted dialog in the book.
I was comfortable showing the video materials to students.

Question Title

* 12. How would you rate the following parts of the curriculum? (please include comments explaining why you chose this rating, particularly if OK, Poor, or Did Not Use)

  Poor OK Good/Sufficient Excellent N/A (Did Not Use)
Student Videos
Teacher Guide (Overall)
Scripted Dialog from the Lessons
"Process It" Activities
Student Activity Sheets
"Identify Students who Need Help" Activity (Getting Help Worksheet)
Curriculum Website (

Question Title

* 13. Are there any topics or components for which you need more information? (check all that apply)

Question Title

* 14. Upon teaching the curriculum, did your students...

  None A few Some Many All/almost all
seem interested in the material presented?
seem engaged in watching the videos?
seem upset by the subject matter presented? (angry, sad, afraid, emotional, etc.)
speak up and engage during discussion time?
share anything that made you aware of a potentially trafficking-related situation involving themselves?
share anything that made you aware of a potentially trafficking-related situation involving a student's friend?
share anything that made you aware of a potentially trafficking-related situation involving a student's family member?

Question Title

* 15. Please describe any additional material or information beyond the designated lesson plans that you taught to your students about human trafficking.

Question Title

* 16. If a student did share anything that made you aware of a potentially trafficking-related situation involving them or someone they know, were you able to help?

Question Title

* 17. Please share your final thoughts on the biggest strength of the curriculum, its biggest weakness, challenges you had, or any other feedback you feel would be helpful:

Question Title

* 18. From which retailer would you most like to receive a $50 e-gift card as a thank-you for evaluating this curriculum?