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Vanpool Formation Interest Survey

By responding to this survey, you are expressing interest in determining whether you can join four (or more colleagues) in coming to work via vanpool from the Fredericksburg area (including areas enroute from Fredericksburg such as Stafford, Quantico, Triangle, or Dumfries).

Vanpooling is subsidized by Mason for full-time faculty and staff up to $270/month.  This non-taxable subsidy is governed by IRS regulations.  Federal rules stipulate that a vanpool must use a minimum vehicle size of 7 passengers and 80% of the mileage must be used to transport employees to and from work in trips where at least 50% of the seats (not including the driver) are occupied. This is why the minimum number for a vanpool is 4 in a 7-passenger vehicle.

For further details about vanpooling at Mason, please visit

If you have any questions about vanpooling, please reach out to us at

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* 1. In which Fredericksburg, VA area ZIP code do you live?

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* 2. Do you live in an area where you could join a Fredericksburg-based vanpool by meeting them at a Park and Ride Lot or other eligible location on their way to Mason?  This might include Stafford, Quantico, Triangle or Dumfries.  If so, select your ZIP Code below.

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* 3. On which campus do you primarily work?

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* 4. What hours do you work?

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* 5. In order to move forward on a potential vanpool match, we do need your name and contact information.

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