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* 1. How old is the person you provide care for?

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* 2. What is their gender?

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* 3. What type of PH do they have?

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* 4. How long has it been since their diagnosis of PH?

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* 5. If the frailty score was used as part of their assessment into how PH is affecting them, how would this make you feel? Please choose the statements you relate to or agree with, and tick as many as you like.

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* 6. Who do you think would be best placed to complete the clinical frailty score?

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* 7. The frailty score can be accessed by clicking here. At this moment in time, where would you place the person you provide care for on this scale? Please select the corresponding number on the scale.

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* 8. Do you have any comments about the clinical frailty score or its potential use in the care of people with PH?