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As more and more people change jobs these days, along with the accelerated pace of change, those early days in a new role are even more critical.

The purpose of this survey is to identify the most important actions, habits and processes to implement — as well as missteps to avoid — in order for leaders to set themselves and their teams up for maximum impact at the very beginning.

Thanks in advance for participating in this survey and joining our efforts to help leaders and their teams be the best they can be.

Question Title

* 1. To what extent is this statement true for you: This job is exactly what I signed up for.

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* 2. Comparing your perceptions before starting your role to now, how close was your assessment of the following?

  Completely off the mark Not that close Somewhere in the middle Pretty close Exactly accurate N/A
Organizational culture
The political landscape inside the organization
The scope of your role
Your team's capabilities
Major gaps / opportunities to be addressed

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* 3. Which of the following were most instrumental in your ability to achieve early successes? (Please check all that apply)

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* 4. Which of the following proved to be obstacles to early successes: (Please check all that apply)

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* 5. What do you know now that you wish you knew in the first 90 days?

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* 6. To what extent is this statement true for you: I intend to be in this job or with this organization one year from now.

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* 7. How was your ability to adjust to your new role affected by pandemic conditions (e.g., remote or hybrid work)?

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* 8. Assuming pandemic conditions continue for the foreseeable future, what is one thing employers can do to set a new leadership hire up for success?

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* 9. What one suggestion do you have for anyone starting a new leadership role today?

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* 10. What is one thing your former employer could have done to keep you from leaving (or your leader / manager if you changed roles in the same organization)?

0 of 17 answered