How can “nature positive” be credibly operationalised by banks and investors? Towards a common framework |
About the “Finance for Nature Positive” discussion paper
Led by the Finance for Biodiversity (FfB) Foundation and UNEP FI, this discussion paper intends to solicit feedback on how the private financial sector can credibly operationalise Finance for Nature Positive.
The discussion paper is circulated with this questionnaire in order to capture feedback and work towards improved clarity on expectations of the private financial sector, aiming to contribute to the Nature Positive global goal, in line with the mission of the Global Biodiversity Framework (GBF).
Through iterations of feedback from financial institutions, policy-makers, civil society and other stakeholders, the effort intends to lead to a workable framework, which should not only create a lighthouse of ambition for the financial sector but also shed light on immediate and applicable actions that the private financial sector can take today.
Information gathered through this questionnaire will be kept confidential and used solely for the purpose of this applied research. It may be analysed by groups of stakeholder types and geographic region in future presentation, but no identifying information will be shared. All questions except for the demographic information are optional.
The questionnaire would take approximately 20-25 minutes to complete. Responses requested by Friday 15 November 2024.
Please contact natacha.boric@financeforbiodiversity.org and jessica.smith@un.org with questions or feedback.