Business finance skills

We have developed this assessment test to explore some of the fundamental business finance concepts we expect to be in place for delegates attending the Company Directors’ Course (CDC).

This allows the financial section of the CDC to operate at a high level, and ensures delegates have the right financial understanding to contribute in both the finance session and the week-long exercises.

We rely on your honesty in completing the test without assistance. There are 10 questions in this test. If your total score is less than 8/10 it is unlikely you will gain significant benefit from the finance session at the CDC and you need to attend the Finance Essentials course prior to attending the CDC.

This will give you the knowledge and understanding of business finance to competently and confidently participate in the CDC.

When you answer each question, it will advise you if you have answered correctly or incorrectly. Please keep score yourself as you proceed through the quiz as it will not give you a total at the end.