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* 1. Besides cover crops, name a conservation practice that helps improve soil health.

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* 2. Name a conservation or incentive program that helps you fund conservation practices.

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* 3. Name an Iowa county with excellent soils for growing plants.

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* 4. What is your favorite farming activity in a tractor?

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* 5. What is the most stressful thing about farming?

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* 6. If you could get one new piece of machinery or equipment, what would it be?

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* 7. Name the most annoying weed on your farm.

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* 8. Besides cereal rye, name a cover crop an Iowa farmer might use.

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* 9. Name a conservation practice that helps keep water cleaner.

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* 10. Name someone who provides you crop management advice.

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* 11. Name a piece of new farming technology that you wouldn’t want to go without.

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* 12. Name a conservation practice that helps reduce soil erosion.

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* 13. Name something you would like to have more of on your land.

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* 14. Name something you would like to have less of on your land.

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* 15. What is your favorite source for farming information?

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* 16. What do you enjoy most about farming?

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* 17. What is the most frustrating thing about farming?

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* 18. What would be the perfect size farm?

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* 19. Name your favorite team in the National Football League (NFL)?

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* 20. Name your favorite actor or actress.

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* 21. Name a potential third rotation crop to a corn-soybean system.

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* 22. What month are you the busiest?

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* 23. Name a conservation practice or structure that you haven’t implemented, but you would like to.

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* 24. Name the biggest threat to your farm income.

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* 25. Name a piece of farm equipment you couldn’t go without.