
You are invited to participate in a survey regarding the parental experience in family court. Research is being conducted by Ruth A. S. Nichols, M.A., M.A., CFLE.

The aim is to gain insight into how parents experience custody matters and their related financial obligations. To participate, complete the anonymous assessment. Time to complete survey is approximately 15 minutes.

Your consent to participate is voluntary, and you may drop out at any time. The risks of involvement are minimal; however, some questions may cause emotional discomfort and you are under no obligation to answer all questions. 

There are no direct benefits to you for participating in this study; however, your participation will contribute to research in the area parental experiences in custody matters. 

As a research participant, the information you provide is anonymous. Survey Monkey does provide the option to include IP addresses. Note, that feature is turned off on this survey. Please check with Survey Monkey with questions. Responses will be submitted anonymously and remain private.  

Continuing with this electronic assessment indicates that you have read and understand the information, are 18-years or older, and agree to participate. Information from this assessment may be used in future publications. Please understand that you may withdraw your consent at any time, discontinue answering the questions, and your responses will not be included in the data.

Questions at the end of the survey encourage you to express your thoughts about your experiences.

At the end of the survey you will be asked to:
1. Create a 4-digit code to connect your responses to future assessments.
2. Provide an email to receive updates on future assessments and results.

Results will be available at:

If you have any questions or concerns regarding this assessment, contact Ruth Nichols at

Thank you.
Ruth Nichols

14% of survey complete.