One of the current issues in academic research in general is the issue of open access journals versus subscription-based journals. In this Scientific Issues in MDM poll, we would like to ask you a few questions about your past experience and your attitudes regarding open access publishing.

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* 1. Some journals require a publication fee and then make their articles freely available (open access). Other journals do not have publication fees but restrict access to subscribers. Other journals offer a choice to authors between restricted access (free) versus open access (fee). Please indicate to what degree you agree or disagree with the following statements related to open access journals:

  Strongly disagree Disagree Agree Strongly agree N/A
I have published in a journal that requires a publication fee and provides open access
I have chosen to pay a publication fee in the past to enable an article to become open access
prefer to publish in journals that either allow or require open access
I have concerns about the quality of articles in journals that require publication fees
Articles that are published open access are more likely to be cited
Articles that are published open access are more influential

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* 2. Looking forward, what proportion of your future research do you expect to be published in some form of open access?

0% 100%
i We adjusted the number you entered based on the slider’s scale.

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* 3. What keeps you from publishing more open access articles? (Choose ALL that apply)

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* 4. Which of the SMDM subfields best describes your work?

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* 5. Approximately how many scientific journal articles have you published (as first or co-author) in your career?

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* 7. Please suggest any topics you would like to see covered in future Scientific Issues in MDM polls: